Isn’t it sad that silly rappers can help influence a genre of music more than the creators of that actual music themselves? For example, every time a Kanye West or a Wiz Khalifa wear a Metallica or Cradle of Filth t-shirt in public, the media, seem to take an increase notice. I, for one cannot stand this. If you can prove that the entitled Kylie Jenners of today’s world, knows all the lyrics to “Blackened” or that Justin Bieber understands the difference between Rob Halford and Tim “Ripper” Owens, then by all means go out and support these poser mindless consumer driven puppets. There is no logical reason I can derive at besides that it makes them “look cool” or “rebellious”. The logos of the majority of these bands and designs of some of their t-shirts, are a sure attention grabber for their millions of Instagram followers. This is also another perfect example of things coming full circle. Even these artists new merchandise collection is a direct ripoff of that 80’s satanic evil era. It makes you ask yourself, what exactly are they selling? Music or a bigger agenda? All I know is that to quote Gene Simmons, the greatest marketer in the rock business, “all press is good press.”
Heavy Metal Music is Now Considered Trendy Attire?